Increase YouTube video comments




1. All posts must be open to the public, to increase followers, the follow account must be open to the public

2. One ID does not run 2 orders at the same time, it will be short

3. Posts or profiles with broken links while running (deleting posts or changing links), will not be resolved.

4. All services will have a certain drop rate, consider before using

5. We do not take any information from customers, so for issues related to accounts being blocked, locked... we will not be responsible.

6. Do not spam too many orders with the same ID. If you increase the quantity a lot, you should accumulate a few large orders, because the number of orders for 1 ID can be limited.

1. All posts must be open to the public, to increase followers, the follow account must be open to the public

2. One ID does not run 2 orders at the same time, it will be short

3. Posts or profiles with broken links while running (deleting posts or changing links), will not be resolved.

4. All services will have a certain drop rate, consider before using

5. We do not take any information from customers, so for issues related to accounts being blocked, locked... we will not be responsible.

6. Do not spam too many orders with the same ID. If you increase the quantity a lot, you should accumulate a few large orders, because the number of orders for 1 ID can be limited.

Delivery Information

$ 0.35 / 1 Unit



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